Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) explores the costs associated with processing packaging waste in the UK. EPR legislation builds on current waste regulations from 2007. Under EPR, a single producer will be responsible for covering costs across the life of a product, including recovery, processing and disposal. Producers include UK brand owners, fillers of unbranded packaging, importers or suppliers of packaging to small businesses.
As part of Bunzl PLC Group, we have committed to emission reduction targets verified by SBTi, against Scopes 1 and 2 with engagement targets against Scope 3 which are in line with climate science.
EUDR is part of the broader EU strategy to protect the world’s forests and limit carbon emissions. It will create mandatory due diligence requirements for EU businesses, expanding upon the scope of EU Timber Regulations (EUTR) and in time replacing it. The key difference is that the EUDR will affect more commodities and will require legal commitment from an Operator that the supply chain is ‘deforestation free’ and not just sourced legally.
We are committed to supporting our customers navigate their own sustainability targets. For further information on our group sustainability strategy please click here.